Friday, August 08, 2008

Advertising Space for Sale

Hello Groton and the surrounding areas! I am writing tonight about a new feature on ability for you to advertise your business on my site!

I have space for 2-4 advertisements on the right side of the page. Currently, there is an advertisement for Groton's website,, to give you an idea of the size and placement of your ad.

You may submit a picture to use as an advertisement, or I will create one for you. If you have a website, the advertisement will be linked to your site. If you do not have a website, that is fine too.

I don't have set prices for the space. Instead, I will negotiate a price and length of time for your advertisement, making it fit your budget...not that I am planning on charging a whole lot!

If you are interested, please click one of the 'Advertise Your Business Here' boxes to the left, or simply click here.

In the future, I am also planning to add a store where I will sell t-shirts, caps, mugs, calendars and other such items. That will likely be coming sometime in the fall, so keep an eye out for it!

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