Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Amazing Snow Totals

This is why I am going into this profession...for events like this. A lake effect band has been unrelelnting across Oswego county. It has now moved north, into Jefferson County, but the snow totals are amazing. Keep in mind this band just moved into Oswego County Monday morning...

OSWEGO                62.0   826 PM   2/6
MEXICO 57.0 1215 PM 2/6
PARISH 54.0 1250 PM 2/6

Mexico and Parrish each have old reports, so I would be their totals are
much higher since around noon Oswego was reporting 43".

So just how much snow is that? Here is a picture of a SUNY Oswego
(which is whe
re I am going to college next year) parking lot:

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